Lumsden Five

The Lumsden Five name is a nod to Kenroy Lumsden’s biggest love:

His family of five.




What you see is what you get: a talented artist crafting one hat at a time.
— Andrea Lumsden


Meet Kenroy and Andrea, the duo behind this authentic mon-n-pop venture.

This venture started because I wanted to make my own hats. It’s been a slow process and that’s okay. I get to work from home and enjoy my family.
— Kenroy Lumsden


Kenroy Lumsden

Artist & Hatmaker

Born and raised in the Cayman Islands, Kenroy Lumsden is an artist and avid hat collector who decided one day that he wanted to make his own hats “just for fun.” While working in the photo industry, he enrolled at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City with no intention of selling his hat creations.

“Lumsden Five was an accidental venture,” he says. “I started making hats for myself and wearing them out. People on the street would stop and ask where I got my hat.” The rest is history.

Kenroy is also a professional portrait and commercial photographer.

Click here to visit Kenroy Lumsden Photography.


Andrea Lumsden

Lumsden Five Co-founder

There was a time when Andrea didn’t wear hats because “they didn’t look good on me.” Today, she can’t leave the house without one.

“I just needed to give hats a chance,” she says. “And it’s so nice to wear a hat that was made just for me.”

When she’s not running Lumsden Five’s operations, Andrea freelances as a writer and marketing professional for clients in real estate development, hospitality, entertainment and financial services.